
Can’t believe it’s already the 2nd of advent! This week have flown by so fast, probably due to a lot of studying for my exams (one week left today) and the fact that my days are so stuffed with meeting friends, hockey and preparation for our presentation in accounting-class.

Every year the Swedish television air a “christmas-calendar” mostly for children, but we’re a lot of grown-ups that love is equally as much. This year it’s called “1000 years to christmas” and it tells the story of how children lived from the “Viking-age” (about year 700-1100 ad) up to today. It’s only 15 min, but it’s just the perfect way to start the morning in a festive way.


Another Swedish tradition is “santa’s porridge” or “tomtegröt” in Swedish. When americans put out cookies and milk for santa, Swedes put out porridge. A tradition that belongs from the nordic folk belief that on every farm, a magic elf lived to look after the farm and the animals.  To thank him for his work (because you didn’t want to upset this little man, the tale says that if he didn’t got butter in his porridge, he would kill one of the cows) the farmer put out a bowl of porridge. We still eat a lot of this porridge during christmas-time, and some of us still put out a bowl for our magic little helper.


1,5 cup water
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp unsalted butter
190 g round grain rice 
2,5 cups milk
0,8 cup heavy cream
1 cinnamon stick

How to make it;
Bring water, salt and butter up to a boil in a medium-sized pan and add in the rice. Let it simmer for 10 min.

Add in the milk, heavy cream and the cinnamon stick. Let it simmer gently for 40 min. Make site to stir it occasionally so it doesn’t burn in the bottom of a pan. 

Before serving, take out the cinnamon stick and serve it with cold milk, sugar and grounded cinnamon. 


15 Comments Add yours

  1. genevieve y says:

    Good luck on your exam! I would much rather leave porridge for Santa than cookies and milk- porridge is my favourite! This was so interesting to read, I don’t know much about Swedish traditions but I’m excited to learn more from your blog 🙂


    1. Thank you! I really love porridge as well and this one is really rich and luxury 🙂 Glad you liked the story and that you stopped by!


  2. Lina says:

    Sounds really delicious ☺


    1. try it, it’s amazing!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Summer Daisy says:

    I had porridge just this morning. This looks so nice. Thanks for the recipe♥


    1. Thank you for stopping by!


  4. I am so happy to see something familiar! We do the excatly same thing in Denmark. Do you also call it risengrød in Swedish? 🙂 & the porridge really does taste good, right? I haven’t had it yet this December but I have to have it really soon! Thank you so much for reminding me 🙂


    1. Oh, thats great! We call it risgrynsgröt which would be the same right? This porridge is heaven, love it!


  5. We eat rice porride often at Christmas time here in Finland…along with a fruit soup made from dried fruits. Simple and satisfying. Happy Advent!


    1. Oh, that soup sounds tasty! Happy advent to you to 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. ramblingtart says:

    This sounds so creamy and delicious. 🙂


  7. I love reading about your Swedish traditions 🙂 . This Santa’s Porridge sounds amazing, and something I definitely will be doing. I adore porridge ! Thanks so much for sharing your traditions. Hope you and Crumbles had a good one 🙂


    1. Aw, I’m so glad you like it. Ive been a bit unsure if anyone wants to hear about it 🙂 Oh, tell me what you thought about it then, I love to hear back from you 🙂 Both me and my little crumb have had an amazing holiday and we wish you the same 🙂 xo


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